ITEM 4.4.3 Educational CenterITEM 4.4.4 Educational Center The educational center correctly manages the ca- ses of the apprentices that do not exceed the for- mation Completely / Enough / Something /-NothingThe educational center conserves documented in- formation of the evaluation of the apprentices and who evaluate them, especially in the case of the ne- gative evaluation of the apprentices Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing Quality assurance systems periodically evaluate re- sults and processes with the support of measure- ments. One of the important elements for the edu- cational center is based on the correct management of the cases of the apprentices who do not pass the training. To do this, it is important to consider the completion rate of the Dual Professional For- mative programs, as well as the number of people who have successfully completed or dropped out of their training according to the type of program and the specific criteria. It is about favoring the suc- cessful completion of the programs since it is con- sidered one of the main objectives of quality in the Dual Professional Formative programs. This inclu- des support for the provision of adapted training, in particular to disadvantaged groups [1. European. See: EQAVET A4] The educational center must try to solve the problems with the results that differ from what was expected by not achieving the objectives pursued. To do this, it has different options that go through correcting, proceeding to separate, con- tain, or suspend certain training actions. It is about accounting for the information held by students or other beneficiaries, in part to obtain authorization or concession for the proposed resolution. In any situation, after correcting the problems detected, it must be verified that the graduates meet the esta- blished training requirements. [two. International. See: ISO 21001:2018 – Section 8.7.2].Quality assurance systems advise that the center regularly and systematically collect data to mea- sure success and identify areas for improvement. Measurements must be made of both the results and the processes, on which early warning systems must be applied based on performance indicators. The documented information of the evaluation of the apprentices and those who evaluate them, es- pecially in case of being negative, is important for the quality system as a whole, especially for the review, planning and implementation processes. [one. European. See: EQAVET A4]. The international quality assurance systems insist in each of the as- pects that they regulate on the importance of main- taining documented information that describes the conformity of the training of the graduates with the established criteria, or with any aspect that pre- vents the achievement of those objectives. in order to be able to review, plan and implement measures that resolve the problems detected in the teaching and learning processes. [two. International. See: ISO 21001:2018 – Section 8.6 and 8.7.3].