Core 5.2. Training of the instructor of the company and other external collaborators ITEM 5.2.1CompanyITEM 5.2.2 Company The company determines and provides theThe company staff involved in the process necessary human resources for the development of of teaching apprentices is in possession of the the Dual Professional Formative programs, based necessary skills (education, training, experience). on the criteria established for the selection of said Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing personnel. Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing In the Dual Professional Formative programs, it is necessary to refer to the resources required and Dual Professional Formative programs must the specific support in relation to the training of determine the human resources required to trainers in the company. These needs should be guarantee training in the company. They must be included in the strategic staff skills development adequate and provided by the company to achieve plan. This is intended to promote appropriation the goals set in the projects. In accordance with between teachers and trainers in the process the regulations, the appropriate institutions must of quality development in the Dual Professional define the appropriate profile for the selection Formative programs, improve the response criteria. Likewise, this information must be available capacity of the Dual Professional Formative and the institutions will keep the documentation of programs to the evolution of demand in the labor the selection process. Its purpose is to increase the market, increase the development of individual degree of transparency, promote a culture of quality skills of learning, and improve learner outcomes [1. and improve confidence in the provision of training. European. See: EQAVET I2]. The competences that [one. European. See: EQAVET I1] [2. International. are necessary for the trainers must be established, ensure that they possess them, develop actionsSee: ISO 21001:2018 – Section]. for their acquisition, evaluate the effectiveness of the actions undertaken, help improve them, keep documented information, etc. [two. International. See: ISO 21001:2018 – Section 7.2.1] In the company, special attention must be paid to the specific training required for instructors. For its acquisition, it would be opportune to have autonomy to determine its training needs, regardless of the training that other institutions and entities can provide. At the same time, it is advisable to establish recognition and accreditation procedures for the instructor’s training, as well as incentives for performing it. [Consider the German model as a reference].