Page 39 Guide-QVET-ING.pdf Full Version
                                Core 6.2.
Control of design and development
ITEM 6.2.1 Educational center and
The educational center and the company have
established a recognized and validated evaluation
system that relates the learning outcomes and the
activities on which it is based
Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
The recommendations of the European Parliament
on the quality of the certification of learning
outcomes establish that the systems must use
coherent evaluation methods that, among other
characteristics, combine self-assessment and
external control. For this, the educational center
and the company must develop an evaluation
methodology that includes internal and external
evaluation. This includes periodic self-assessment
in accordance with European and international
regulations, national and regional frameworks or at
the initiative of the training institutions themselves,
including the company. With this, the educational
center is able to obtain basic information on
the educational achievements reached and the
quality of the training processes it imparts. [one.
European. See: EQAVET A4; Recommendation
OJ C 111 of 06.05.2008 ] International quality
assurance systems advise that summative
assessment controls, applied to the design and
development process, ensure that a clear link can
be demonstrated between the assessment design
and the results intended to assess, and where
appropriate, the learning activities on which it is
based. Furthermore, the rating system must be well
defined and validated. [two. International. See: ISO
21001:2018 – Section c)].Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
European quality assurance systems advise using
consistent evaluation methods to establish
performance indicators to measure success and
identify areas for improvement. To this end, periodic
and systematic data collection is recommended,
measurement criteria. The aim is to obtain basic
information on educational achievements and the
quality of training processes. In turn, it is intended
to support access to and provision of tailored
training in particular for disadvantaged groups.
[one. European. See: EQAVET A4, A8] International
quality assurance systems advise that summative
evaluation controls, applied to the design and
development process, ensure that evaluation
activities are carried out taking into account the
principles of transparency, accessibility , respect for
the student, and fairness, especially with respect
to grading [2. International. See: ISO 21001:2018 –
ITEM 6.2.3 Educational center and
The educational center and the company have
established methods to ensure the improvement of
quality assurance systems for student evaluation
Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
European quality assurance systems seek to improve
and ensure the quality of evaluation systems. To this
end, they advise including adequate and effective
mechanisms that involve internal and external
stakeholders, as well as designing standards and
processes that are relevant and proportional to
the needs of the sector [1. European. See: EQAVETITEM 6.2.2 Educational center and
A1] In addition, it is advisable to adopt proceduresCompany
The educational center and the company design that allow the detection of bad practices, or
summative evaluation activities that have unauthorized procedures that go against the
transparency, accessibility, respect the student and principles of the code of ethics and conduct that
governs good academic and teaching practices. Itrespect the principle of equality
is recommended to ensure that methods to detect