Page 41 Guide-QVET-ING.pdf Full Version
                                stakeholder involvement in the assessment pro-
cess within Dual Professional Formative programs
be agreed and clearly described. Likewise, it is ne-
cessary to establish the way in which the data will
be collected, which must be done periodically and
systematically, which will allow detecting the areas
in which improvements in student learning must
be introduced. The purpose of all this is to obtain
basic information on educational achievements, im-
prove the quality of training processes and increase
the degree of transparency. [one. European. See:
EQAVET A1, A4] International quality assurance sys-
tems advise having a system that allows traceabili-ty of grades to be determined, so that an objective
connection can be identified between the student’s
work presented and the assigned grade. In order to
structure this system, the educational organization
(center, company and institutions responsible for
the Dual Professional Formative programs) must
guarantee the identification and traceability with
respect to the result of the staff’s work in terms of
1) what was done 2) when it was done did and 3)
by whom it was done. [two. International. See: ISO
21001:2018 – Section and Section 8.5.2.c)].
ITEM 6.3.3 Educational center and
Companyof transparency of the quality of training. [one. Eu-
ropean. See: EQAVET R1, R4] International quality
assurance systems state that students, once infor-
med of the results of the evaluation activity and the
qualification, must have the opportunity to appeal
or request rectification of the evaluations obtained
[2 . International. See: ISO 21001:2018 – Section b)].The students have the opportunity to appeal their
grade or to request rectification
Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
The European quality assurance systems establi-
sh at all levels procedures, mechanisms, as well as
instruments to carry out reviews. This enables dis-
cussion with relevant stakeholders to be facilitated
and appropriate action plans to be established if
necessary. All this contributes to raising the degree