Page 42 Guide-QVET-ING.pdf Full Version
                                ITEM 6.3.4 Educational center and
The educational center and the company guaran-
tee that the reasons for the decision on the qualifi-
cation and the evaluation are kept as documented
information for a specific time and are available to
the public educational center, company and institu-
tions responsible for the Dual Professional Formati-
ve programs
Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
The European quality assurance systems advise the
regular and systematic collection of information
to measure success and determine the results
achieved by students in the training process. Inorder to increase the degree of transparency and
the quality of the training processes, all the basic
information that justifies the different qualifications,
as well as the final information on the educational
achievements, must be kept in documents. [one.
European. See: EQAVET A1, A4] The educational
organization (center, company and institutions
responsible for the Dual Professional Formative
programs) must keep documented information of
the evaluation as evidence of the grades assigned.
This information must be available to the public
for a specific retention period and in compliance
with data protection regulations at all times.
[two. International. See: ISO 21001:2018 – Section d) and f) g)].
Core 6.4.
Additional special needs assessment systems
ITEM 6.4.1 Educational center and
CompanyITEM 6.4.2 Educational center and
In the student evaluation process, different
opportunities are established to demonstrate what
has been learned
Completely / Enough / Something / NothingIn the student evaluation process, staggered
activities and tests are established to strengthen
what has been learned.
Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
European quality assurance systems indicate
that learning assessment requires regular and
systematic data collection to measure success
and identify areas for improvement. To this end,
appropriate methodologies for data collection
should be developed. It is about supporting
the successful completion of Dual Professional
Formative programs as one of the main objectives
of the quality of the system [1. European. See:
EQAVET A4]. In this way, international quality
assurance systems add that the educational center
must provide multiple and diverse opportunities
for students to demonstrate their mastery of
the instructional topics [2. International. See: ISO
21001:2018 – Section a)].European quality assurance systems indicate that
learning assessment requires regular and systematic
data collection to measure success and identify
areas for improvement. To this end, appropriate
methodologies for data collection should be
developed. It is about supporting the successful
completion of Dual Professional Formative
programs as one of the main objectives of the
quality of the system [1. European. See: EQAVET
A4]. In this way, the international quality assurance
systems add that the educational center and the
company must guarantee that the instruction
provides activities and staggered evaluations that
allow students to build and demonstrate their
learning [2. International. See: ISO 21001:2018 –
Section b)].