Page 44 Guide-QVET-ING.pdf Full Version
                                Core 6.5.
Control of graduates
ITEM 6.5.1 Educational center and
For the completion of the Dual Professional
Formative programs, documentary evidence is kept
on the conformity with the criteria established by
the student and the traceability of the people who
authorize or recognize it.
Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
The European quality systems advise the evaluation
and review of the processes and results in
education, which may include the assessment of
the satisfaction of the people who participate in the
learning tasks and the performance and satisfaction
of the staff. This favors the traceability of the
people who participate in their training for the
purposes of recognition and compliance with the
established criteria. To this end, the opportunity to
define standards and guidelines for the recognition,
validation and certification of individual skills is
prescribed. To this end, targets can be set that can
be monitored using specific indicators (success
criteria). It is about obtaining basic information on
educational achievements and the quality of training
processes [1. European. See: EQAVET P4, A4].
International systems recommend to the institutions
involved (educational center, company or any other
that corresponds) the need to keep documented
information on the completion of studies and other
achievements and skills acquired. The documented
information must include evidence of compliance
with the acceptance criteria and traceability to the
persons authorizing the release [2. International.
See: ISO 21001:2018 – Section 8.6)].ITEM 6.5.2 Educational center and
The educational center and the company ensure
that only those students who meet the specific
requirements that have been marked complete the
Dual Professional Formative programs
Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing
For the purposes of recognition and compliance
with the established criteria, the European quality
systems advise recognizing the completion of Dual
Professional Formative programs only to those who
meet the standards and comply with the guidelines
that allow the certification of their individual skills.
They must be consistent with the goals set that
can be measured by specific indicators (success
criteria). With this, it is possible to raise the degree
of transparency of the quality of training [1.
European. See: EQAVET A1]. International quality
systems prescribe that the organization adopt the
appropriate actions based on the nature in cases
of “non-conformity”, that is, when the student has
not achieved the goals established for their training.
Similarly, it is advisable to assess its effect on the
“conformity” of educational products and services.
In any case, if any problem is detected with the
training received, detected after the accreditation
of the students, these quality systems also suggest
applying the appropriate measures to resolve
the detected problems [2. International. See: ISO
21001:2018 – Section 8.7.1)].