7. LABOR INSERTION OF THE APPRENTICE Core 7.1. Processes for measurement and assessment of performance in the workplace ITEM 7.1.1 CompanyEducational center and The educational center and the company determine the process of monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of the apprentice’s performance in the workplace after the completion of the Dual Professional Formative programs Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing European quality systems advise the participation of interested parties in the process of monitoring and evaluating performance. It must be based on an adequate and clearly described methodology. The objective pursued is to collect basic information on the educational achievements in the performance of the apprentice in the workplace. It also indicates that regular and systematic data collection is appropriate to measure success and identify areas for improvement. In the evaluation and review of the processes and results, the assessment of the satisfaction of the people who participate in the learning tasks and the performance and satisfaction of the staff can be included. These processes can include adequate and effective mechanisms to involve internal and external stakeholders. With this performance measurement, the aim is to improve the results of the people who participate in the learning processes in order to improve the response capacity of the Dual Professional Formative programs to the labor market. This measurement process aims in turn to foster a culture of quality improvement in Dual Professional Formative programs among providers and improve mutual trust in the provision of training. It is advisable to collect feedback from people participating in training programs about their individual learning experience. Also about the environment in which teaching takes place. Next to them, it is indicated that it is possible to incorporate the impressions of the teachers. This information is used to inspire new initiatives. For operational purposes, procedures, mechanisms and instruments are defined to carryout reviews at all levels, which is appropriate and necessary to include the effective performance of what is learned in the real job. [one. European. See: EQAVET A1, A3, A4, R2]. ]. International quality assurance systems advise that the organization should determine what needs monitoring and measurement. At the same time, it is timely to determine the precise methods to be used in the analysis and evaluation to ensure valid results. It is also opportune to establish the acceptance criteria that will be used; when monitoring and measurement should be performed and when the results of monitoring and measurement should be analyzed and evaluated. The organization must keep the appropriate documented information as evidence of monitoring, measurement, analysis, evaluation and its results. The organization must evaluate the performance of the educational organization and the effectiveness of the SGOE. People should have the opportunity to critically review their own work in a thoughtful and constructive way, as a contribution to its improvement [2. International. See: ISO 21001:2018 – Section 9.1.1]. ITEM 7.1.2 CompanyEducational center and The educational center and the company establish clear objectives and the methods to measure and evaluate the performance in the workplace of those who complete the Dual Professional Formative programs Completely / Enough / Something / Nothing The European quality assurance systems recommend establishing clear objectives, actions and specific indicators that allow the level of performance in the job to be measured. These should be subject to a stakeholder consultation process to identify specific local or individual needs. The results must be periodically evaluated through measurements