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The project

The Erasmus + KA202 project - Strategic partnerships for vocational training "The Quality of DualVET" was born after having ascertained and noted the need to measure the quality of Dual Vocational Training and to carry out an objective and standardized international evaluation of the apprenticeship application process which is gaining ground above all in countries recently engaged in experimenting with this system of professional training.

These needs have been identified as a result of contacts between the Vocational Training Centers (CFP) in Italy and Spain with the Employment Centers (CPI), which especially in Andalusia are supporting the first to carry out this project. To achieve the objectives set in this project, the project coordinator, IES Hermanos Machado of Seville (Spain), considered it necessary to include the following profiles as a partner:

  • Entities capable of developing research, analysis and writing for didactic and educational purposes (University) University of Seville and Federico II University of Naples
  • Private entities which, Project as companies, in addition to enriching the project with their vision and opinion of the, have within them professionalism with experience in Strategic Partnership Projects for Professional Training as well as among their main activities, as well as in the corporate purpose consulting and training for companies operating in different economic sectors
  • Private companies of education and vocational training, S.L. of Seville (Spain) and Vocational Training Agencies in Germany, GmbH, Lower Saxony (Germany)
  • Vocational training centers with more or less experience in dual vocational training. (Public vocational training schools) the I.I.S.S. S. Caterina da Siena-Amendola (Italy)
  • Vocational schools in the Osnabruck district (Germany).

"The Quality of DualVET" is therefore designed with partners from countries recently engaged in the experimented training model of apprenticeship (WBL - Work Based Learning - Work Based Learning) and partners who belong to a country where these professional paths are which have long been applied with multi-year successes and therefore can make a substantial contribution by making use of their knowledge and experience in the practical field, not only for the implementation of this system, but also for its management and evaluation.

The project involves the design of 2 intellectual products:

  • Guidelines to the quality and evaluation of dual vocational training. The Guidelines to the Quality Assessment of Dual Vocational Training are a Guide to the assessment process carried out by all the actors involved in dual vocational training projects that make use of quality standards according to the EQAVET (European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training) indicators. that these actors and all the others involved in the project must satisfy, such as Educational Agencies, Companies, Vocational Training, training courses designed with the aim of job placement of apprentices.
  • Digital tool for the assessment and quality of dual vocational training. A web application will be developed to provide digital support to the Guide to Quality and Assessment of Dual Vocational Training. In this way this tool will be used not only by professionals but, will be available in any place and can be used at any time.
  • To prepare these two intellectual products, various activities will be carried out, all always aimed at the implementation of Management, Quality, Verification and Dissemination Plans of the Project results. These activities include transnational meetings with partners (to learn about) apprenticeship, education and training activities in Germany, training sessions for all those interested as well as at information and dissemination events.

    The expected impact of the project is the reasoned presentation between the partners of the good steps taken, through the training support of the German experts, who will constructively illustrate their educational system, showing its strengths and weaknesses. (Non-expert project partners) will be able to apply the new ideas and results achieved in quality measurement and assessment in their daily work in Dual Vocational Training being also able to implement the procedures to be incorporated into their Dual Vocational Training Plans.

    In the medium term, the training courses of the Universities will include the results achieved in the Guidelines on the evaluation and quality of Dual Vocational Training. In the long term and as an innovative digital tool, the corresponding Ministries responsible for education, training and work undertake to make their own intellectual results of the procedures for the control, monitoring and evaluation of the dual Vocational Training Programs in their regions and countries. The "The Quality of DualVET" project integrates the results of the projects: Erasmus + KA2 "EQAVET in practice" 2015-1-SE01-KA202-012245 and the Erasmus + KA2 project "Dual-vet partners in Europe" 2017-1-ES01-KA202 -038512.

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